Monday, November 29, 2010

Under Exposed & Over Developed, yet Perfectly Happy.

  I consider myself a fairly experienced and capable photographer; with this being said it is incredibly embarrassing that I have never actually processed my own film.... I know right!  Well today that all changed, I bought and dunk tank, developer and fixer from the local camera store rushed home and got to work.  I started with the usual path when trying new techniques... blogs and forums on instructions, tips and advice stemming from the internet search how to process black and white film.
  I am sure I at least diluted the chemicals properly; however, I know my temperatures, developing times and fixing times were far from accurate.  Nevertheless, I came up with some pretty decent material for a first time attempt.

Tips for the future:
--More practice using metal spools (incredibly difficult to use, especially in complete darkness--- I think those things are made for people with tiny fingers too.)
--Better research/attention to processing temps and times
--Not groping the film so grubby finger prints were all over most of the negatives, I must have ruined half the roll with dust, scratches and grease.

  In all I can say I'm pretty satisfied with the results, considering.  Im excited of the possibilities for the future and glad I finally took the necessary steps to make my photography more self sufficient and natural.

Christmas list:
-Besler Cadet II Black and White 35mm film enlarger
-Ilford Multigrade IVRC Satin Deluxe 8x10 paper
-Canon FD mount 35mm f2.8 Tilt Shift